Why such an open book? (March 27, 2024)

If only the world could see me now.

Adulting further than any of them expected.

I was not going to give up.

I read all about it.

LIFE was bliss as long as I did as I was told.

“From my point of view, life lessons do not always have to be learned firsthand.”

circa 1990

I could never do it, you know, just right.

How it was in the book.

It was never “good enough” for the attention it deserved.

I started to realize that I was a page in those books.

Self-published in a way.

What molded you most growing up?

I was happy to share with anyone what I knew. In any and all hopes I would be saved. From myself, from others but mostly from experiences that twisted my guts in knots. I can honestly say today that I was searching for safety; a space to be myself and learn life lessons in a safer space. I really only wanted to adventure into the world with a safety net. Something I was too scared to do as a child. I feared venturing out into a world that would never have support my book smarts more than their street smarts. I was surrounded by those who gave me every good example of what not to do in adulthood, at 7. From my point of view, life lessons did not always have to be learned firsthand. That not all television rots your brain as well as not everything on television was real either.

But who am I to say that growing up in the 90’s in general didn’t mold all of us early Millennials.

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